Spring is here! Hard to believe but we made it through the winter once again. Before I jump into the meat of my tale, I want you to stop where you are and read this first.
You are right where you need to be at this moment. Your wisdom has brought you here. The universe is providing exactly what you need right now. And because you are reading this, you are making the first important step on your path to optimal wellness. I can see you are committed to it. Bravo!!
So, no more second guessing. No more doubts. No negative self-chatter. Be grateful for the fact that you are doing a good job of YOU. Pat yourself on the back and accept this new adventure in wellness. Ready to participate in my new Spring Cleanse? Here we go!
“Remember, most people fail in business and life not because they fail to start something… but because they fail to finish.” ~Marie Forleo
Little satisfies us more than a ritual spring cleaning. The pain of the effort, while not the most joyful aspect, always leads to pleasure once completed. Is there anything more pleasing than scrubbing winter’s grime from our windows and being able to witness spring unfolding more clearly? This observation applies to both our homes and ourselves.
Some of us view undergoing a bodily cleanse with immense skepticism ranking right up there with a colonoscopy (read my blog about this process here). Yet the rewards are immense. In the same way that spring cleaning may never be a breeze, participating in a physical cleanse can be made more effortless and even fun, if you have the right strategy.
That is what I am delivering today. Not only do I have the strategy, but the plan, the menus, recipes, knowledge, support, expertise and the workouts to get you through. If that sounds overwhelming, put fear aside. Along with Dr. Rachel Corradetti, ND., I have created a no fuss, easy to practice, Spring Cleanse that will make you shiny and bright once again.
And because you are committed to achieving your best version of you, you won’t accept anything less than the best. You don’t just want to limp along, you want the best cleanse available, one that will completely strip away all toxic burdens stored in your body in a recommended 4 week period of time. Your discipline and self-respect coupled with my Spring Cleanse, give you the necessary tools to complete this cleansing project successfully, right to the finish line.
Trust yourself. You are here because you are seeking your higher self. Keep following your good instincts. Pre-order your Spring Cleanse here. It will take some effort but the sparkling new you that emerges after four weeks will blow you away. You won’t believe it until you see it.
Let this process be enlightening and enjoyable. With myself, Dr. Rachel and the rest of the Cleanse community by your side, you will be invincible. See you soon!
Warm hugs,
P.S. I need to hear your feedback. Why will you be participating in my Spring Cleanse? What are you hoping to clear away? Overcome. Post your thoughts in the Comments section below.
Hi again from another platform! 🙂 Is the Cleanse going to help with inflammation? My most important need is to reduce inflammation. I need to do everything I can to heal. I’m getting desperate. Also, I need to get ready for bikini season 🙂
Hi Tosca!I just pre-ordered your Spring Cleanse 🙂 I’m excited!!! Why am I participating? Because I love everything you do, you’re an incredible inspiration, and because I need it. I’m not at my healthiest weight right now. I need to lose about 25lbs…and I’m ready to make the changes necessary. I’m hoping to clear away the pounds, but also my self-doubt. I would love to gain the feeling of feeling confident and successful at being being at a healthy weight again.
It’s my 41st Bday today, so this marks a milestone, I’m going to make a vision board and set the course. I’m also reading your Start Here book, and met you in Calgary when you were here for book signings 🙂 You’re so beautiful inside and out!!
I wish you all the best with the new beginning in your new home, I admire how brave and real you are.
Thank you for all you do!
God bless you, Karen
Happy birthday!!!!!
I very much need a fresh start. There are opportunities coming in my future, and I want to be as healthy as possible so I can take full advantage of them.
Hi Karen.
Happy birthday!! You are making an amazing decision about your health and I am so honoured to be here for you. We will make a difference. Together.
Welcome aboard.
HI Maria.
The Cleanse is all about clearing away inflammation. This is a big contributor to disease. My Spring Cleanse works to clear the organs and bring them to a place of optimal function. It is the ideal way to reduce inflammation.
That bikini will look amazing on you this summer.
Welcome aboard Kristin.
My Spring Cleanse will help you prepare for those amazing opportunities.
Welcome aboard.
Hi Tosca, started last May with strike sugar, did great up until the fall cleanse, and shoulder injury, fell off the wagon. Hoping to start over, self sabotaged after hitting plateau. So looking forward to a cleanse and jump start back, felt so much better on your life style program.
Absolutely! 110%!!
Last May I started my first program (Strike Sugar) with you. I followed with Fit Commit then Fitness Boost and the Fall Cleanse. I have been happy with all of them and use many of the recipe’s and exercises still today. I am really looking forward to the Spring Cleanse and the new recipes and exercise that willcome with that program. Mostly I look forward to the Facebook group and connecting with you and others while processing all the new information in the Cleanse. Thanks for all the amazing programs Tosca!
Hey I took that pic!
Hello Kelsey. Yes! You are the talented gal who took that pic and many more. Thank you for it!
She is my daughter everyone!
Love and hugs,
Thank you Maria 🙂 All the best on your journey!!
I just pre-ordered Spring Cleanse … looking forward to a healthy new me! I need to lose 30+ pounds 🙁
Welcome aboard Michelle. This Spring Cleanse is creating such a buzz. More importantly, it will create wellness in you.
So excited to have you aboard.
Hello Sandra.
Your message is lovely and so very inspirational in its’ sincerity. Well done.
Your thanks is sweet reward but it is you who has done the hard work.
Love and hugs,
Hello J.
Thank you for your comments and truth. This is what others long to hear and I, as the creator of these programs need to hear. If I am not of service, I am nothing. Thank you for sharing this sweetness with us.
The Spring Cleanse is creating a huge buzz. It is already exciting but when we begin to transform ourselves, now that is something to buzz about.
Thank you,