Strike Sugar™
with Tosca Reno

4-Week Sugar Detox Program

Your Path to Feeling Amazing by Removing The Hidden Ingredients That Have Destroyed Your Wellness!


Tosca Reno

Introducing Strike Sugar™

Your 4-Week Solution to Health and Wellness by Tosca Reno!

Strike Sugar™ is here to transform your relationship with sugar and revitalize your entire body, including your brain.


Banish sugar cravings for good


Regain control over your eating habits


Improve your mood and mental clarity


Witness your skin, nails, and hair thrive


Renew your energy and vitality


Enjoy a healthy, lean body

As Seen On

as seen on logos

What You’ll Learn

Week 1

Striking sugar from your diet will feel foreign, like you’re learning a new language, or actually unlearning it. Your work this week will be about uncovering where sugar is in the foods you eat and exchanging them for whole, unprocessed goodness. It will be a journey for you but worth it!

You may experience some discomfort – headache, irritability, shakiness – as your body works to remove sugar’s toxic fingerprint from your body, but it will pass.

  • How to identify foods loaded with sugar and its imposters
  • How to prepare foods that serve your wellness
  • How to plan meals and eat with regularity
  • Food volumes to serve you best
  • The need for hydration

Week 2

In the kitchen you are learning how to prepare foods differently, plan them with regularity and incorporate only those foods that will keep you sugar free. Food planning and prep is a necessity and you’re getting it.

Any mild discomfort from detoxing your body of sugar, will have disappeared and you’re discovering what it’s like to be sugar free. You are noticing weight loss and changes in your palate – food tastes different, good!

  • How to prepare more Eat Clean recipes
  • How important it is to plan meals
  • How important it is to have a Food Prep Day
  • The need to carry clean, sugar free food with you to ensure success
  • How good your body can feel without sugar

Week 3

Solidly into the sugar detox, your body is still working to remove the harm. You will notice less inflammation and pain, a more balanced mood, a feeling of improved general well-being. You are looking and feeling much better. Your sleep is greatly improved and even your skin and hair are looking healthier.

Preparing sugar free meals feels like you are honouring your body and your health. You can’t believe how easy it is to become fluent in the kitchen as you prepare your delicious meals.

  • More delicious recipes
  • Continued success comes with commitment to the Strike Sugar program
  • Your body is capable of healing and recovery
  • Your support by Eating Clean and Striking Sugar improves your wellness
  • How to sleep and think more deeply
Week 4

Ridding your body completely of sugar’s toxic load will take a minimum of 4 weeks and often longer. Doing another round of Strike Sugar wouldn’t hurt because this new you is fabulous!

  • Health is about whole, clean, sugar free food
  • Sugar free food tastes delicious
  • Your palate has reset itself
  • Your body feels newly energized
  • You aren’t moody and irritable any more
Tosca Bundle

What’s Included:


Re-Introduction Guide: Safely phase in clean foods after the program.


Private Facebook Group: Connect with like-minded individuals on the same wellness journey.


4 Virtual Classes with Tosca Reno: Gain expert insights on sugar’s impact on hormones, inflammation, mood, and skin.


4 week Menu Plan with Original Eat Clean™ Recipes


Weekly Grocery Lists


Daily Eating Support & Motivation


What They Say

B. Chase

“My three children, all under 10 years of age, Eat Clean and prefer fruits and vegetables to sugary junk. The whole family went for the challenge and we won! No temper tantrums, no mood swings, more fun with my husband, more energy. I feel fantastic!”

J. Practor

“Oh heck! I made this my month to quit sugar and I thought for sure I would fail BUT you know what? No way. I made it and I quit the stuff for good. Thank you for your help Tosca – I knew you were a role model but WOW, this is awesome. Thanks for giving me back my life.”

T. Bokyo

“I was a complete and total sugar addict from alcohol to carbs, cigarettes to drive thru coffees. Going off sugar using the challenge changed my life like nothing I have ever done before. This is unbelievable. Now I look younger, feel better and want to live life to the fullest. Thank you Thank you Thank you Tosca. Everybody should do this! Once a year!”

J. Adams

“I know I’m a sugar addict. I couldn’t stop eating the stuff but when I found the Strike Sugar challenge I decided to stop the madness in my house. My mom and dad thought I was crazy but I said I would make all the food and we would do this together and we did. All three of us have lost weight – on average 24 pounds each. But the biggest difference isn’t the weight, it’s how we feel. We feel better. Thank you Tosca for helping my family and me. We love you.”

Frequently Asked Questions


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What is the Strike Sugar 2.0 Challenge?

Strike Sugar is a 4 week program designed to remove refined sugar and grain products from your diet with the goal of ridding you of your addiction of sugar, while returning you to optimal wellness.

Can I eat the same thing for breakfast every day if I want?

If you prefer to eat the same thing for breakfast every day that is fine. That applies to lunch and dinner too. And if you happen to have leftovers from dinner the night before, eat those for breakfast. Why not?

Why are certain fruits and vegetables not permitted on the Challenge?

During the 4 weeks of the Strike Sugar Challenge we are ridding the body of accumulated refined sugars, even fruit based sugars. While whole fruits are often healthier because they come with the whole goodness package – fibre, nutrients – they still trigger the insulin response. The organs of blood sugar handling will get a better reset if we avoid these.

Can I repeat the Strike Sugar 2.0 Challenge?

Strike Sugar can be repeated at any time of the year. You can follow it for 4 weeks and if you love the results, repeat it for another 4 weeks. Or, Strike Sugar for life.

Is Stevia allowed on the Strike Sugar 2.0 Challenge?

Whille you are doing the Strike Sugar Challenge no sugar or sugar alternatives are permitted. This applies to sugar alcohols and alcohol itself also.


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Will food taste different without sugar?

Once you rid your body of sugar and rid yourself of your sugar cravings, everything about food will taste different. You will notice that a green bean tastes sweet. All foods will become more delicious than you remembered. And if you happen to fall back and eat a processed treat, you will find it is far too sweet to handle.

I am not a cook. Can I easily make the recipes in the Strike Sugar Challenge?

There is no need to be a chef. The recipes in the Strike Sugar Challenge are easy to make and the recipes are not complicated.

Can I participate in the Strike Sugar Challenge even if I am diabetic? Type I? Type II?

Diabetics, whether Type I or Type II can safely participate in the Strike Sugar Challenge as the menu and frequency of eating is supported by the Canadian and American Diabetic Associations. Let you doctor know that you are participating in the Challenge.

How will I know how to eat after the Strike Sugar program is over?

In collaboration with Dr. Rachel Corradetti ND, I have developed a Reintroduction Guide to help you begin to reintroduce various foods back into your diet after you have completed the 4 week Strike Sugar program.


I’m the New York Times Best Selling Author of the Eat Clean series and founder of the Eat Clean Revolution.

I have developed the Eat Clean lifestyle and helped millions take back their wellness and their lives through Eating Clean.

My recipes are based on natural ingredients, delivering only nutrient dense and delicious results – food to build your life on.

I’m the product of my product – I lost 84 pounds of unhealthy fat 20 years ago and I feel fantastic!
