Your Roadmap to Wellness: Navigating The “New Normal”

June 23, 2020

06 / 23 / 2020

Years ago you could find me Eating Clean, Training Dirty and preaching the powers of the Eat Clean Lifestyle dressed in an itty bitty bikini and high heels on the Fitness Competition stage.  And for multiple Oxygen Magazine shoots – 47 in total!!

What a ride! Glitter and strutting on stage – woohoo!

If you’d asked me for health advice, I’d have told you something about “Pushing harder” or “sticking to your goals”. And to “Eat brown rice and chicken until you smell like one.”

And I definitely would have told you to go for the “Six Pack.”  Maybe push for a bubble butt too.

Everything has changed since then. The world shut down.  

Take a minute and let that settle in.  The world shut down.  It’s never happened before.  An entire planet wondering WTF was happening.

The brutal truth of that has changed the lens through which I view and do my work too. I’ve lost interest in training myself silly to get a Six Pack.  Now I’m training for life!  

So while there’s uncertainty and fear, it is also clear that you’re in the throes of a global transformation and, in my opinion, a staggering up-leveling. You’re in the messy middle and that’s where growth happens, even when it’s uncomfortable – especially when it’s uncomfortable.

The collective consciousness – that’s the consciousness of the entire planet I’m talking about –  is no longer able to ignore what you’ve tried to “not know” for so long. To put it in more relatable terms, you’re in that moment of a workout when your muscles are burning and fatiguing. You want to quit, but you know that it’s in THOSE moments you’re making the most gains so you push through.

The “New Normal”

Are you feeling ready for the “new normal”? 

The world is starting to open up again.  Are you feeling properly prepared to protect your health? Are you ready to build your resilience so you can show up as the human our world needs today?

What the world has just been through has dramatically changed how we go forward.

You won’t ever be able to fly without questioning your immunological safety.  You will always question whether that person coughing over there is spreading disease your way.

There will be no flipping the switch.  If you aren’t thinking this way you haven’t fully absorbed the lessons of COVID-19.  There are many good things to come out of this, not the least of which is a dramatically heightened awareness of your wellness and how you can support it.

Everyone one of you is in the same boat with me.

I’ve been here before. No not with this virus but I was quarantined on an airplane once in Italy during the SARS epidemic.  The plane was stifling thanks to a heatwave blasting Italy like Vesuvius once did.  In 120° F temperatures every passenger was made to stay on the plane, have their temperature taken and given the once over by a sweating Italian doctor who was clearly overwhelmed by the task, before being dismissed.

People were freaking out everywhere. With every passing minute the plane seemed to get smaller and hotter. It was an unforgettable experience and not in a good way.

But it drove home the point for me. Being well was my trump card. The effort I put in to overcome my state of illness delivered a suit of armor for me – a suit of wellness armor that kept me safe and strong.

I was one of the healthy ones but I knew that because I had taken measures to achieve it.  I looked at my obese self in 1999 and decided that was enough.  No more hypoglycemic fainting events for me! No more racing heart and altered blood pressure!  No more sickening overweightness.  

I took massive action and relieved myself of these ills. Then I wrote 17 books to help you cure you.  And now I literally poured everything I know to achieve optimal wellness into my signature program The 3 E’s of Wellness. In it, I cover the 3 Pillars of Wellness and guide you step by step to sharing every tip, tool, and strategy to keep you safe during the pandemic and afterward.  

This is your roadmap to wellness in 2020 and beyond.

But my story is just the beginning.

I’ve passed the torch to others. Real women, just like you have used the 3 E’s principles to improve their lives and enjoy rockstar wellness.  

They’ve made remarkable changes using this plan, and they have found great benefits and support even in the midst of the current crises.

Read and listen to their stories below. I want you to see that they are just like you. This is your moment too.

Tam’s Story

Tam Robson spent the majority of her life being active, fit and enjoying the outdoors.  From rock climbing to marathon running, she loved it all.

But that all came to a halt when at age 44, she required a life-altering back surgery. The surgery was meant to stabilize her spine and decrease her pain but instead only made it worse.

“I paced the floor in the kitchen eating spoons of peanut butter waiting for pain medication to kick in. I had one big pity party, eating my way from 132lbs to a whopping 209lbs.”

Her low point came one day when she found herself unable to get off the floor by herself. She knew it was time for a change.

She hit the computer, did a quick Google search to see what I was up to and found my 3 E’s of Wellness Blueprint Program. The rest is history.

I sat down to speak with Tam at week eight (of the 12-week Program) to hear how she was doing. 

I’m happy to report that Tam has swapped her 5lb weights for 20lbs. She’s lost 20lbs, 4 inches off her waistline and has no intention of quitting.

Today she is using her newfound strength to power up her immune system and emotional state.  She’s found that these strategies have proven invaluable in the dramatic times the world is experiencing now.  Every set and rep has been worth it. Every meditation and journaling session has given her grace and sanity.

When asked what she would tell someone who was on the fence about starting the 3E’s program, she replied, “It works! It can inspire you and keep you motivated because it’s a change for your lifestyle, not just a change for 12 weeks.”

See More of Tam’s inspiring Story:

Lori’s Story

“I look in the mirror and I like who I am. I’m a different person than I was 13 weeks ago.”

 Lori Leisch was ready for a shift.

Between day-to-day family commitments, years of putting others first and an aging metabolism, her weight was creeping up. She’d just turned 50 and was feeling pretty miserable.

One day a few months ago, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and thought “Who is this?”

After learning about the 3 E’s of Wellness Program, she knew this was exactly what she needed to get her out of her funk.

“The thing that’s different about this program is that it includes Emotional Self-care. And I believe that this is the missing factor in all these programs.”

After completing the 12-week Program, Lori lost 15lbs and gained a new love of the word Gratitude. She practices it every single day claiming that the mental piece of the 3 E’s of Wellness Blueprint Program was her biggest and most important takeaway.

But it doesn’t end there.

I had a chance to chat with Lori one-on-one and talk about her amazing success in the 3 E’s of Wellness Blueprint Program.

But she also surprised me with an incredible story of resilience and courage that I was not expecting. Those same qualities have very much come into play over the course of the quarantine period and the recent BLM struggles.  Having a sound mind and body are her best defence.

Check it out and you’ll see what I mean…

Denise’s Story

After receiving the 3 E’s of Wellness Blueprint Meal Plan, Denise Cumiskey was a bit worried.

She knew she wanted to change her health, but the recipes looked complicated. But she made the decision to trust me (thank you Denise!) and dove in completely…meal prep and all.

To her surprise, the meals were actually quite simple to prepare and as Denise shared in the 3 E’s Facebook Group “I’m killing it in the kitchen!”

Like most of the participants, Denise joined the program hoping to lose weight. But she noticed her focus shift very early on.  

“I have dropped weight but I am more focused on my mental health and food choices rather than weight. 

Exercise has become a daily must and results are starting to show. I am so grateful for this program. Thank you!”

And Denise’s progress didn’t stop there. She continued to cut sugar out of her life, and balance Eating Clean with both Exercise and Emotional Self-care. 

And her results?

Well you can see for yourself.

You can hear Denise share more of her story in her own words right here…

Tam, Lori and Denise’s stories are only a few of the powerful transformations (inner and outer) that I’ve had the privilege of witnessing when we put the 3 E’s of Wellness together. 

There has never been a more urgent time for you to be proactive about your health.  The sad truth about COVID-19 is that it struck mercilessly against those with underlying conditions.  Many of those conditions resulted from lifestyle choices gone wrong.  

Don’t let yourself become a target.  Claim your wellness with all your power.  It’s time.



Tosca Reno

Author, columnist, motivational speaker, reality TV star, radio personality, consultant, mother and wife, Tosca Reno has been inspiring millions with the Eat Clean™️ Diet series and sharing the success she's had with weight loss and Clean Eating.


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